The Current Mabatini Ward MCA is a BIG FAILURE, See Who is Best For This Job and Why..

A good leader is chosen at the right moment. 
It is a great day, and a special gift for each and every one of you. It is a gift because God gave it to us free of charge, and we have no choice but to accept it as is. Meaning, if you’re going through good stuff in your life give thanks to God, and if the day is taking you on a roller coaster, you have a choice to make things right or to ask for God’s guidance.

That aside, let’s dwell in matters that have to be addressed now before time runs out---something that touches and wounds the hearts of Mathare Constituency’s Mabatini Ward, residents. We just can’t ignore this issue anymore!

Imagine sitting on a hedgehog or on its close ally, the porcupine. What do you expect? Oops! You will understand later who the porcupine is and what it means by sitting on one.

Well, a few years back we were treated to one song only. The song was CORD, and it was all about dealing with two ICC bound guests. The thing did not go well because the presidency was taken from Raila Odinga and handed over to Uhuru Kenyatta. We did complain. We were given assurance that all is well. We accepted and life went on.

What we did not realize is the fact that the main hyena had taken over the honey jar, and was gluttonously leaking it dry. Hell no! Not Uhuru Kenyatta, but our own elected Member of County Assembly (MCA).

While we were quietly wishing for a better Kenya, someone elected by Mabatini Ward residents was making deals with his counterpart across Mathare River on how to dish out jobs to the foreigners.

It worked because 20 Nairobi County job slots, reserved for Mabatini residents, were sold without our knowledge.

What it means,

-This undermines our ability to safeguard what is truly ours.
-It gives us a hint that we are not good enough to be employed by the county government.
-The direction taken by the MCA was an act of impunity that we, as residents of Mabatini, have to stand against for better tomorrow.
-And it shows the current MCA do not care about the people of Mabatini Ward.
-He can’t be trusted because he is not here to make Mabatini great; instead, he chose to make this village dependent on his handouts.

Now, let’s understand the power of a porcupine.

Mabatini Ward is like a loyal porcupine, or rather, the one that has not realize that it can defend itself from external aggression.

We, the people have all it takes to unite against someone who does not respect us… his employer. Of course, we did not employ him to dictate services to us, but we did because we thought we got a good guy for the job. So wrong! And when you hit a porcupine, you expect sharp quills. Yes! He deserves no mercy from us come 8/8.

Who is the best for this job?

best for mca mabatini
How to differentiate between a leader and a pretender 
We have several aspirants for this job. They have good CVs that are so appealing. We can be confident with their services once elected into power. But still, we have not been seeing them active on the ground of late.

In handyman’s career, you must always carry the tools for the job… not to expect to be given a job before going for the tools. It doesn’t work that way.

The only person who has been active on the ground and still is, is ANC candidate, Hon. Duncan Matini who is not afraid of using his own resources to makes things better in Mabatini Ward.

A good leader is the one who is close to his subjects, not the other way round. Duncan believes in teamwork, the unity of people and centrality of resources for Mabatini residents. Why not try him?

Okay, if you wanna know more… just ask #TeamSureBet for more information.

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