How This Lady Ended Up IN Bed With a Stranger

Curious wife 
For a while the wife suspected that her husband was cheating on her. She was convinced that he was having a love affair with the house help when she noticed a special treat he was constantly receiving from the girl, an under eighteen and beautiful girl from her husband's region.

 Because of fear, she could not confront her husband over this purported love affair. Instead she got so angry at the girl. She started mistreating her, calling her names and even threatened to send her back home.

 With this sudden change of behavior, the husband confronted the wife and told her to do her duties as the woman in the house and stop behaving as if being threatened by an unseen evil spirit. Of course, she swallowed those bitter words with a promise that soon she would unravel the mystery between the two.

 One day, her house maid had gone for a night vigil in a nearby church. Her husband went outside at night hours as his occasional time alone. The wife thought that he was going to see his mistress. So she quickly went and slept on her maid's bed and waited. Five minutes later, someone knocked on the door and entered.

 Thinking that the person was her husband, the two had quick sex and as the person was about to leave, she asked how it was... since she was damn sure it was her husband. The stranger instead started apologizing...

 Oops! She just slept with her night guard.

Lesson: Never judge someone by how you feel about him or her. instead find some evidence before you strike the point home.

Did prayers help SIX Kenyans who were facing crimes against humanity at The Hague?

I believe many of you would say, yes! And equally many of you would say, nope! Now it is time to have a say how prayers did a wonderful things that resulted into the acquittal of all six Kenyans from the chains of an International Criminal Court (ICC)

This is how it went down,


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