Kenyans, Understanding Our Main Culture And Politics

Kenyans celebrating 50 years since independence
There are so many fake smiles in Kenya. Why? I guess so many of us are not genuine anymore. We have fear that a good smile is essential instrument of trouble, but a false one is a like a drum of honey that leads to cool harvest.

Who is a Kenyan?

First, we have to go back time in history. The second president of Kenya, the retired president D.T. arap Moi always had a say about this.. 'Kenyans are people who love peace and development.' A perfect description that summarizes everything about us.

Lets break it further,

A Kenyan is a peace loving person. This means he or she is ready to shun every kind of evil that might derail potential peace in a certain environment.

Our most important culture is peace and coexistence. Although we are from different ethnic social backgrounds, we uphold peace and speak a language that brings us close, forming one big community. We are wise enough to see that our differences are our main strength.

While we may be affiliated to different political parties, nothing is bigger than our nation, Kenya. Our culture speaks volume how politics is just like wind that blows in summer and dies in winter. This means, we never part ways!


Why is it that we Kenyans have failed terribly in terms of culture and politics? Oops! Some of you  do not understand the importance of combining the aspects for better tomorrow. It hurts to see the lost sheep straying into wolves' park without having an inkling of the outcome.

This brings us to the question, should we wait to be reminded of what we already know about ourselves or be directed by the invisible hand to do things beyond our accord?
I guess the foolish lot waits for such a reminder but agile minded people have their brains to lead them better. We only see a chance and go for it...we do not wait, we just do it!

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