Why Kenya Needs Dictatorship In The Fight Against Corruption

Kenya Needs a dictator in fight against corruption (image from http://cdn.youthkiawaaz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/dictatorship.jpg
It is now clear that even the current president is incapable of turning Kenya around to its rightful place. The competition among the developing countries only hints where Kenya could be only if the issue of corruption was unheard of. It is just heart breaking to see countries making big progress while Kenya is being eroded by this beast into oblivion.

Leaders We Have,

As far as corruption is concerned, it is like a beast which is consuming the livelihood of Kenyans rendering them vulnerable to anything that might be on their way. It is sad that we have leaders who are ready to dine, encourage and celebrate those who are implicated in graft. These individuals are offered government posts and hidden from the public for sometime, before an outcry of another corruption scandal. The circle goes on and on. 

The leaders we have are like an ostrich in an arid area--- bury their heads in the sand and let everything else suffer the wrath of an angry sun. The more the public cry for accountability, the more the elected leader would point an accusing finger to a third party--- just to avoid being seen as a sleeping leader.

Why we need a dictator,

The issue here is leadership! And how do we make it right? It is very simple, we should elect a no-nonsense president. Yes! A person who would not look at an individual and think of a ethnic background of the culprit, a person who would over use his powers because he/she wants to make Kenya a corruption free nation, and a person who would be so mad if his close allies are implicated in graft scandals.

When the going gets tough, only the tough would be tempted to keep going. In this case, we can't just sit and wait for a miracle to happen. We have to do something! If it means electing a leader who would be so strict to this issue to the point of making us feel out of breath... then we have to try it out and regret later other than to shy away and watch from far as a few individuals take the country down.

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