The Wise Would Be Very Careful About These CORD' Anti-IEBC Demos.

Kenya police officers captured on camera beating up a man on the street of Nairobi during an Anti-IEBC demo
Should we start to worry about our political changes and the nature of its change? The CORD demos on Mondays are turning up more deadly as days go by. The wind of change is proving to be tougher than what it seemed to be in the beginning of the will to speed up changes in the electoral body, Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission -IEBC.

Yesterdays’ demo on Monday 23rd did not go as planned as three people were gunned down in Western region of Kenya--- the only major CORD stronghold. In Nairobi, it was not business as usual as the running battles ensured between the law enforcement agents and the demonstrators. This has been happening around the country and there is fear that, the once perceived peaceful demos are turning into violent confrontations leading to loss of lives and injuries.

A few weeks ago, the UN and ambassadors from the western countries cautioned Kenyans from using violence against constitutional systems, instead they urged the concerned parties to embrace dialogue as the best means of solving the political stand offs.

The Raila Odinga’s team is adamant that if they go through constitutional channels, the parliament which is controlled by the government majority will not approve the call for change. They argue that even demos are constitutional and that the government should respect people’s views.

This tag of war between the government and the opposition is slowly spiraling into political violence and will, if not curbed at this time, spill the bitter reality into ethnic disagreements and doom to Kenya as whole.

There is no room for violence if the system in question has no dent. The government led by president Uhuru Kenyatta should address this issue before it turns into political violence. The ICC will not see the opposition as culpable for murdering the innocent people on the streets, instead they will see the tyrant who using government machinery to force people to keep quiet…. The wise would be very careful about these CORD demos. 

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