Circumcision, Mheshimiwa Just Can't Get It!

Real men see the 'cut' as a simple process

Fine one can quote the biblical scripture as a way of hitting the target with no fear of being prosecuted for hate speech, but one thing comes out loud; he do not understand the meaning of circumcision and why males undergo the cut in the African society.

 Of course, one may like talking about as if it is one thing that makes the difference in life. However, mental ability to adapt to the true status as a circumcised man is lacking.

In Bukusu land, the tribe that undergoes one of the tedious circumcision processes, they value this cut and respect it that they do not even like talking about it. This shows that,

a) One is mentally mature

b) Understands the society well and ready to mingle with likeminded people

c) One respects people and the society as whole

d) Attained the age of real men

In Kenya, we have different tribes that circumcise their male child for different reasons. But when I see a 'mheshimiwa' using this simple cut as a way of insulting a certain tribe, I can' help but guess his mind speaks louder than his simple words.

Why was he circumcised? That is if he is truly a circumcised man

On his recent remarks, I was forced relate this to what I understand best. You may find uncircumcised Bukusu boys talking about such like shit in public because their age and mental immaturity allows them to.

Therefore, the only reason why mheshimiwa is up in arms fighting a certain ethnic group is because his little idea about circumcision allows him to.

Maybe his anger blinds his manliness and turns him into a little boy, or maybe his cut was the most ‘painful operation’ making him think, oops! That other tribe cannot with stand that!

In what I think, this ‘honorable’ is one of a few individuals who are forced to undergo the process because of fear, so when done with it, they become boastful about that simple male mark.

I laugh when I see a boy in a man’s body; of course, he is not worth it. Moreover, I guess this so called elected ‘Honorable’ could have run away if he was to face a Bukusu knife into his adulthood.

The guy is a newbie in this ‘circumcision thing’. Real men see it as a simple passage into adulthood.

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