Parenting, Teenage Pregnancy And Why The Society Should Adopt Some New Changes

It is not how you prevent you child from unknown, it is all about
how you bring them up.
It may be shocking to all of us but as parents, it ought to be an eye-opener to other new challenges of parenting.

Just a few days was there in the print media of how girls as young as 13 years are already using contraceptives and this may be largely due to an increasing number of teenage pregnancies.It's true  that our young girls are solving the case of unwanted pregnancies but not the sexually transmitted infections(STIs). This revelation came to be the talk of everyone and a number of radio stations aired the same, out of concern for our young girls.

Most parents were willing to talk about this issue and reckoned that even as we say that we are in a generation where everything has changed, we cannot hide our heads in the sand and refuse to take the blame.

It's so sad that some parents opt to take their daughters to have birth control programs to avoid facing the embarrassment once they get pregnant. But the question is, what is more important, covering shame since you are a staunch Christian or the well-being of your daughter?

Any parent will have other reasons like ensuring that the daughter completes education without any interruptions, In this case, an unwanted pregnancy. By doing this, you as the parent are giving your daughter the go ahead of engaging in sexual activities since the fear of getting pregnant is well taken care of. But there are some adverse effects due to the usage of some family planning methods and as a parent then you ought to be ready to face the wrath of your daughter if she fails to conceive in future.

Parents should take their parenting roles responsibly talking to their children well in advance in order for them to make sane choices.

It so happens that some of the girls just get contraceptives over the counters without involving their parents because they think that they are old enough to make their own decisions.

For quite some time now even the government has been at the forefront  in encouraging young mothers to adopt family planning methods in a bid to properly space their children. So the concerned medical personnel should take up this opportunity and let them know that family planning only avoids unwanted pregnancy and so they ought to be careful since actively engaging in sex means more vulnerability to getting sexually transmitted infections(STIs).

So as parents, let us talk with one voice of being friends with our children and talk to them frequently and this way ,they will feel the parental touch of having parents who hear them out and assists them in their challenges.

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